The Book Of GAH!
Chapter 1: Xena's Journey
(narrated by Shanita)
Collect the magical "Inner Vision Quest" by Garfield of London.
A limited edition print of 100 printed on Chromogenic Archival Gloss with a signed certificate of authenticity.
This piece depicts a room with the surreal "Symbol of GAH" at its centre. 2 picture frames on the wall are windows to the wide expanse of your soul beyond. Light comes in through the windows as if searching for something and calls out "Look inside your memories to discover your best qualities."
And as you look deep into your own memories now, you can discover your best qualities, the traits that make you unique and special. You can realize that to truly understand yourself, you should embrace those qualities and let them guide you on your journey.
Focus on the Symbol and Listen to your Breath.
To absorb the hidden secrets and teachings of this work, practice how to get out of your head and into your body: BAL-CON-MED-FOC.
The Streets Gallery